Hearing loss affects people in all different age ranges. One treatment option that people can choose to help alleviate their hearing loss symptoms is to purchase a hearing aid device. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions that surround hearing aids and harmful myths that can cause people to deny this option.
Dr. Nikki wants to clear the air about any misinformation you may have about hearing aids and make sure you know the truth.
Myth #1: Hearing aids make you look old
The truth: There are a lot of “invisible” hearing aid options available from hearing aid providers that can make it seem like you are not wearing a hearing aid device at all. They can fit inside your ear canal or reside discreetly behind your ear. You are no longer limited to the stereotypical bulky devices that take up half of your profile. Plus, we always say that hearing loss is more obvious than a hearing aid. Having to ask “What did you say?” at every turn could be the real culprit behind feeling or looking “old.”
Myth #2: My hearing isn’t bad enough for hearing aids
The truth: Mild impairment can be improved and helped with the use of hearing aids. Plus, even minimal hearing loss can affect your lifestyle in major ways depending on the individual. It is always best to get a hearing consultation from an audiologist like Dr. Nikki, who can perform a hearing test and discover what solution is best for you.
Myth #3: Hearing aids will heal my hearing loss
The truth: Permanently healing or fixing hearing loss is only possible for a select few cases. However, all hearing loss can be improved with the use of a hearing aid. Hearing loss can be gradual and happen over time, so the best time to talk to hearing aid providers will be as soon as you start to notice symptoms. That way you can start actively approaching the problem and prevent things from becoming worse.
Myth #4: Hearing aids will make everything too loud
The truth: The best hearing aid providers like Dr. Nikki will perform real-ear measures (REMs) which help to make sure that everything is programmed correctly for your hearing aid. REMs ensure the hearing aids are programmed specifically to your hearing loss and also take into account your own specific ear anatomy. When your hearing aids are meeting their prescriptive targets, you can experience better hearing in regards to background noise and improved word recognition. This also makes sure nothing is too loud or too quiet so you’ll want to wear your hearing aids.
Myth #5: Hearing aids won’t improve my life
The truth: Hearing aids will help make it so you do not have to constantly ask someone to repeat themselves. It can improve your communication skills and in turn, your relationships with family and friends. You will not have to avoid phone calls, skip the noisy restaurant gathering, or have to miss out on inside jokes. Hearing aids can provide better hearing which can greatly improve your quality of life!
Contact us
Don’t let myths stop you from improving your hearing! If you have any other questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us! We can help you get better control of your hearing and your overall health!