Hearing loss is often associated with the elderly, and although our hearing can go as we get older, younger people need to be more aware of how certain things affect their hearing. It’s estimated that over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices. This type of hearing loss is permanent but can be avoided with ear protection and other best practices.
Many young people don’t know the importance of visiting an audiologist in Omaha, NE. Seeking treatment early is the key to preventing a higher degree of hearing loss, and a hearing check can determine the current degree and help the doctors come up with a successful treatment plan. Young people can more often than not prevent hearing loss by wearing ear protection and avoiding listening to music too loudly. Let’s discuss the causes of hearing loss in young people and ways to prevent hearing loss at a young age.
Causes of hearing loss in young people
Noise-induced hearing loss is the main cause of hearing loss in young people. Loud spaces with tons of background noise make it hard to hear those next to you during the event, and you may experience a temporary loss of hearing or ringing in your ears shortly after leaving the event. Repeated exposure to loud noises is a trigger for tinnitus.
Telltale signs you may have hearing loss are if you’re constantly asking those you’re conversing with to repeat themselves, a difficult time following conversations with many people, a hard time hearing quiet noises you can normally hear and turning up the volume on your TV or speaker to a volume higher than normal.
Ways to prevent hearing loss at a young age
Music plays a huge role in the lives of many young people. You cannot turn down the sound at venues or outdoor festivals, but you can take another form of action. Taking breaks and stepping away from the sound source, wearing earplugs and other forms of hearing protection, putting yourself a safe distance from the speakers and keeping your music at a safe volume while wearing headphones can help. However, it’s easier said than done.
Brands such as Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs have partnered with specific musicians and festivals, like Electric Forest, to promote wearing hearing protection at these events. The more people who begin to do this, the more who will follow. Noise-induced hearing loss is very real, as loudness puts us at risk for hearing loss and tinnitus. American DJ Subtronics has opened up about his struggles with tinnitus and is encouraging his fans to wear ear protection to prevent this. The hope is that if young people won’t listen to the stats, they’ll take advice from a musician they love.
Visit an audiologist in Omaha, NE
Untreated hearing loss only gets worse. Visiting an audiologist in Omaha, NE, right away when you start experiencing problems with your hearing can help you get your life back on track. Young people with hearing loss may not need hearing aids right away, but should know that if they keep listening and enjoying music without protection, they will need hearing treatment down the road. Contact us today with any questions and concerns, or if you need your ears or AirPods cleaned!