Hearing loss is a disability that causes you to miss out on more than you realize. This is one of the reasons why it is much more common for someone else to point out your hearing loss symptoms than for you to notice them yourself. One in eight people over the age of 12 have hearing loss in both ears, are you one of them?
Read below to see if you are exhibiting any of the following signs that could indicate it’s time for you to get a hearing test in Omaha, NE.
1. Your favorite word is, “what?”
Asking people to repeat themselves is often one of the biggest signs that point to hearing loss. While not being able to hear someone once in a while in noisy environments is not a huge cause of concern, asking multiple people to repeat themselves regularly is. Always having to ask people to repeat what they are saying or to talk louder can be frustrating as well as cause misunderstandings in your conversations. Getting a hearing test in Omaha, NE can help to ease those misunderstandings.
2. You suffer from tinnitus
Tinnitus is described as a ringing (or a number of other noises) in one or both ears with no external noise present. This means that while you hear the ringing, it is not discernible to anyone else. Most of the time, tinnitus is caused by an underlying condition like an ear injury or from hearing loss. If your tinnitus interrupts your daily life, visit with an audiologist for a hearing test in Omaha, NE right away.
3. You can’t follow conversations
When you have to reposition yourself to hear things, or you lose out on conversations when the speaker leaves the room, that can point to hearing loss. People with hearing loss will find themselves staring at people’s lips in order to keep up with conversations, and find that without being able to see someone talk, they don’t fully understand what is being said. This goes for phone calls too. People with hearing loss have a harder time communicating via telephone, and may even avoid answering the phone when it rings.
4. You suffer from hearing loss fatigue
While hearing loss and exhaustion may seem like unrelated ailments, they actually go hand in hand. All the extra effort extended trying to keep up with conversations and life, in general, can drop your energy levels, making you feel exhausted. Your brain works overtime processing and trying to understand everything that is going on around you.
5. You haven’t gotten a hearing test before
If you’ve never had a hearing test before or have to start counting on your fingers to determine how many years it's been, this is a huge sign that you should get one as soon as possible! There is no better time than the present to see where your hearing levels are at and develop a baseline. Plus, the best way to prevent further hearing loss is to start treating it sooner rather than later.
Visit us!
If you have any of the above signs and need to get a hearing test in Omaha, NE, then contact us! Our audiologists at Active Hearing Health are here to help!