Hearing loss is a common symptom of old age, but it rarely happens overnight. The start of hearing loss can come with subtle signs, but they can become more noticeable if you are on the lookout for them. While only a professional can officially diagnose a loved one with hearing loss, there are some warning signs that can indicate it is time for them to make an appointment with the most trusted audiologist in Omaha, NE: Dr. Nikki.
Here are some of the first signs that a loved one could be experiencing hearing loss:
1. They are losing certain consonant sounds
Some of the first frequencies that people can’t hear are higher frequencies, which in terms of speech means the consonant sounds of S, F, Th, Sh, V, K and P. If you notice that a loved one is missing these sounds and asking clarifying questions such as, “Did you say show or throw?” or mistaking one word for another, it might be time for a checkup. Missing these constant sounds can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and cause them to respond with mumbling or incoherent answers.
2. They keep staring at your lips
Another warning sign to look out for is to see where they look when you are talking to them. Most of the time people will look you in the eye when you speak, but when people’s hearing starts to go, they can compensate by looking at people’s lips instead. This is because they are trying to figure out what you are saying and fill in the gaps of what they cannot hear. They use their eyesight to try and make up for some of the hearing loss they are experiencing.
3. Their television or radio volume is up too high
Without them even realizing it, their television or radio volume could be up way too high. Sometimes people will think that it is just a certain program or song and end up turning the volume up and never realize they didn’t turn it back down. If you notice when you get in their car that the music is too loud or when watching a movie together they keep asking you to turn it up, encourage them to make an appointment with Dr. Nikki, our favorite audiologist in Omaha, NE.
4. They seem exhausted after social events
When at a big social event there are multiple sounds happening at once that can be hard for someone hard of hearing to follow. Their brain has to concentrate extra hard to compensate for missing sounds and to understand what is happening around them. They can develop “listening fatigue” and need a restorative break to recoup.
5. Phone conversations are difficult
We all remember the famous “can you hear me now,” commercials, but when speaking to someone who is developing hearing loss symptoms, it's not about network coverage, they really just can’t hear you! If someone you love is avoiding phone calls or has difficulty keeping a conversation on the phone, it might be time to get their hearing checked.
Connect with us
It can be scary realizing someone you love is experiencing hearing loss, but we are here to help. Dr. Nikki has been helping Nebraskans with their hearing loss since 2003 and we think she’s the best audiologist in Omaha, NE ! Just contact us to make an appointment or learn more about our services.