When was the last time you got your hearing checked? If it’s been a while since you last visited with an audiologist or you have never been before, it is in your best interest to make an appointment with a hearing specialist in Omaha as soon as possible.
Most people assume that hearing tests are reserved for older individuals, but this is not true. Our audiologists go over the top reasons everyone should go to get a hearing test:
1. Establish a baseline
Even if you are not experiencing any hearing loss symptoms, getting a hearing test can establish a baseline for when you are! Then even mild hearing loss can be detected when compared against your original results. Having baseline hearing results can be imperative to catching signs of hearing loss as early as possible.
2. Prevent worsening of hearing
The sooner you have a hearing test performed in your life, the sooner you will catch any hearing problems. By catching any hearing impairments early on, you can treat them so that they do not worsen! This is a big reason why people should not put off seeing a hearing specialist in Omaha, because over time, your auditory processing system can deteriorate.
3. Keep your ears healthy
Not only does an audiologist check your hearing during the test, but they can perform a full examination of your ears! They are able to check everything out and make sure things are going the way they are supposed to. They can check for earwax buildup and infections or growths!
4. Keep the rest of you healthy
Your ear health can affect more than just your hearing abilities, it can affect other aspects of your health too! People with hearing loss are more likely to experience dementia and have an increased risk of falling too. Hearing loss can also lead to depression and feelings of social isolation. Getting regular hearing tests performed by a hearing specialist in Omaha can help to keep your whole body healthy!
5. Get back to social living
When people live with undiagnosed hearing loss, they can tend to withdraw from life and social interactions because they become too difficult. Talking on the phone and trying to carry on conversations in crowded places like restaurants can be too much of a hassle. When they get a hearing test, however, and their hearing loss gets diagnosed and treated, people get to enjoy an increased quality of life!
6. It’s quick and painless
Getting a hearing test is not something you have to worry about or dread. It is a completely painless test that won’t take up too much of your day! Your ears will get examined, and then for the actual hearing test portion, you will wear headphones and listen to different tones at different volumes. There is absolutely nothing scary about it!
Visit us!
Our audiologists at Active Hearing Health would love to give you your first hearing test or perform a follow-up to make sure everything is still working the way it should! Just contact us to make your appointment today!