While traveling is usually the time for kicking off your shoes and relaxing, for those with a hearing impairment, traveling can actually be quite stressful. There are a few communication and navigation challenges that can be daunting without the proper preparation.
Utilizing just a few mindful tips from Dr. Nikki, an ear specialist in Omaha, Nebraska, can make traveling become a pleasure once again.
1. Make arrangements beforehand
So that everything goes smoothly, try and make as many necessary arrangements before your trip. Make travel reservations in advance and include a note of your hearing loss on your reservations so those handling any calls or questions will be aware they may need to speak up, speak slower, or even communicate via email. Print out copies of reservations and other important information like maps or confirmation numbers. Double-check that your hearing devices are all charged and working properly before your trip, and make sure you pack all the necessary equipment to guarantee it continues working on your trip.
2. Create a packing list
A hearing aid packing list made before the hectic nature of getting ready for your trip will help you not forget anything. Some basics you will want to include are:
Hearing aid charger
Drying container
Extra batteries
Cleaning kit
Any needed/wanted accessories
It may also be beneficial to make an appointment with an ear specialist in Omaha, Nebraska, to determine if your hearing device is clean and working properly. Another option is to carry a spare hearing aid while you travel.
3. Communicate with others as much as possible
Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself. Talk to the check-in agent, the agent at your gate, and tell them you have some hearing loss and ask if they will communicate with you directly should something arise. This can include sudden gate changes and other important news that can be difficult to hear when announced over loudspeakers. Talk to your seatmate as well and ask if they wouldn’t mind repeating any important announcements you may miss. Advocating for yourself is important no matter what mode of transportation you take for your travels.
4. Think about getting an assistive listening device
While your hearing aid probably does wonders to help you during your daily life, sometimes there are situations and activities where your hearing aid alone is not enough. This is where an assistive listening device comes in handy. Depending on your hearing needs, your ear specialist in Omaha, Nebraska, may recommend a remote microphone, an amplified phone, or even a TV streamer that streams the sound from the TV wirelessly to your hearing aids. There are also alerting devices that can be useful to allow you to hear alarms or other emergency notifications.
5. Reduce noise as much as possible
When eating out at a restaurant, try to sit at places with quieter outdoor seating or at tables along the wall or in a corner. Ride in cars with the windows up and keep the radio volume down when having car conversations. Reduce the volume of other things in the room, such as the TV, when conversing. This will keep background noise and distractions to a minimum and make it easier to hear other important sounds.
6. Always keep a positive attitude
This is your vacation and it’s time to have fun! Don’t let your hearing loss stop you from enjoying some time off and traveling to fun places.
Visit us!
For extra help before you travel, visit Dr. Nikki, the best ear specialist in Omaha, Nebraska! She can help you to feel confident in your preparations and get you where you want to go. Make an appointment today!