May is Better Hearing Month and we want to stress the importance of ear care! Disregarding hearing loss or other hearing impairment symptoms can lead to other diseases and decrease your quality of life. It can help to know what signs to watch out for that mean it is time to go and make an appointment with an audiologist.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, take a step in the right direction and make an appointment with a top rated audiologist in Omaha, Nebraska, Dr. Nikki.
A change in your hearing
Whether the change in your hearing is subtle or sudden, it is important to get it checked out right away. Sudden deafness usually affects one ear over the other and can happen over a few days to in just a few hours. Many people who develop sudden deafness will put off going to the doctor believing that it will come back on its own or that it is related to allergies, but sudden deafness should be treated as a medical emergency.
Even just subtle changes in your hearing like having difficulty understanding people on the phone or having to leave your car radio volume up louder are reasons to make an appointment with an audiologist. Putting off subtle changes can lead to more drastic problems.
Ringing in your ears
If after a night out at a loud concert, you might notice your ears ringing after. This is normal and should alleviate itself on its own, but if it doesn’t, then an appointment with a top rated audiologist, like Dr. Nikki, would be beneficial. She can help to diagnose whether there is something wrong with your hearing or if you are suffering from tinnitus.
Ear pain
Anytime you have unnecessary ear pain, it’s always a good idea to make an appointment with an audiologist! Ear pain can be scary, especially when you don’t know the cause. It could be due to injury or earwax impaction or something else entirely. A specialist can properly diagnose your condition and offer solutions so that you can get back to your normal life!
Your balance seems off
The balance system that your body has consists of three different components, one of which is your inner ear! The inner ear sends signals to your brain about the directions you are moving and if you are going in a straight line. Therefore if you start to experience vertigo, or staggering when you walk, it could be an ear problem.
It’s been a while since your last appointment
When’s the last time you got your hearing checked? If no answer pops into your head or the answer is longer than a few years ago, then it’s time to change the answer! Preventative actions like getting your hearing checked regularly can be key in keeping your ears and hearing as great as possible! You can develop a baseline of where your hearing is at and more accurately see when any changes occur.
Visit us
You can make a hearing appointment with a top rated audiologist by making an appointment with Dr. Nikki! In fact, for the month of May, you can get a full communication assessment for over 75% off in honor of Better Hearing Month! Contact us!